Brews held as Prisoners of War during World War II

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The following listing is of Brews from the British Commonwealth, i.e. Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, etc, held by German Forces as Prisoners Of War during the period 1939-1945, taken from various sources.

Name Brew, William Aubrey
Service Number 402220
Rank, Force Warrant Officer, Royal Australian Air Force
POW Camp Stalag 357, Kopernikus
POW Number POW No. 30

Name Brew, A. H.
Service Number D/JX214576
Rank, Force Ordinary Seaman, Royal Navy
POW Camp Stalag 344, Lamsdorf
POW Number POW No. 91024

Name Brew, Stanley William George
Service Number 30504
Rank, Force Gunner, 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force
POW Camp Stalag 344, Lamsdorf
POW Number POW No. 23207

This second list shows Brews from Australia held by Japanese Forces as Prisoners Of War during the period 1941-1945, and is extracted from the book "Prisoners of War - Australians under Nippon".

Name Brew, Philip James
Rank Private
Unit 2/29 Battalion AIF
Status Missing believed wounded [Actually died whilst POW]

Name Brew, Rodney Charles Horace
Rank Signaller
Unit 8th Division Signals
Status Prisoner of War

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