The Shipping Career of Captain Charles Ernest Brew, 1912-1933

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The following information has been extracted from Lloyds Captains Register, 1851-1947, from the Guildhall Library, London, and available on microfilm in libraries around the world, in this case the N.S.W. State Reference Library in Sydney, Australia.

Name Charles Ernest Brew
Born Dublin, 1880
Died 18 April 1937
Master's Cert. No. 042421
Passed Certificate Dublin, 1912

Ship Number


Ship Number


. . . . . . .
Patani 120872 01 Aug. 1912 New Brighton 144348 20 Jul. 1925
22 Oct. 1925
Oran 108769 18 Nov. 1912 15 Feb. 1926
24 Feb. 1913 07 Jun. 1926
05 Oct. 1926
Ashanti 106847 20 Jun. 1913 10 Feb. 1927
24 Oct. 1927
Prahsu 124075 09 Oct. 1913 30 Jan. 1927
22 Jan. 1914 07 Mar. 1928
05 May 1914 15 Jun. 1928
20 Aug. 1914
New Toronto 140658 27 Jul. 1928
Bathurst 140610 28 Mar. 1919 15 Aug. 1928
Ebani 131462 26 Jun. 1919 Jekri 142316 17 Oct. 1928
13 Nov. 1919 21 Jan. 1929
04 Feb. 1929
Ekari 144502 19 Apr. 1920 27 Mar. 1929
14 Jun. 1920 18 Apr. 1929
22 Nov. 1920 10 Jul. 1929
14 Feb. 1921 29 Jul. 1929
27 Jun. 1921 22 Oct. 1929
22 Aug. 1921 15 Nov. 1929
17 Oct. 1921 08 Feb. 1930
12 Dec. 1921 05 Mar. 1930
20 Feb. 1922 09 Apr. 1930
13 Apr. 1922
10 Jun. 1922 New Brunswick 140632 21 Sep. 1930
05 Aug. 1922 26 Jan. 1931
30 Sep. 1922 29 May 1931
19 May 1923 06 Oct. 1931
03 Nov. 1923 17 Feb. 1932
31 Jan. 1924 05 Apr. 1932
17 Apr. 1924 05 May 1932
12 Jul. 1924
Bassa 142341 10 Nov. 1932
New Brunswick 140632 01 Apr. 1925 10 Jan. 1933
07 Jul. 1925 07 Mar. 1933
13 May 1933
13 Jul. 1933
09 Oct. 1933
29 Nov. 1933

Note: Dates refer to dates of appointment and reappointment to vessels, not lengths of journeys

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