Brews in Indexes to Wills in County Clare, Ireland

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The following information has been submitted by Rita Vohnout, of Taft, California, U.S.A. It is extracted from LDS film no.149 which shows the notes of Philip Gossle, dating from 1921-22, listing Brews which appear in indexes to wills of Limerick, Cloyne, Cork, Ross, Ardfert & Agahdoe, Waterford & Lismore, Cashel & Emly, Killaloe, Ossory, Ferns, Leighlin, Clonfert, and Tuam, County Clare. The notes have not been verified as fact and should be accepted with care; please double check all information.

 Limerick Wills

 Killaloe Wills

Will of Jonathan Brew of Killaloe, 1778

I, Jonathan Brew, of Trelig, Co. Clare, Farmer, do make this my last Will to my wife Ann Brew otherwise Williams, £30 and if I should [illegible] son [illegible] have the benefit of half my house at Trelig and [illegible]. I leave £20 to my daughter Sarah and £20 to my daughter Catherine and £20 to my daughter Agnes. If any of my sons should die before he comes of age then the moiety nominated for him shall devolve to the other and if both my sons should die (if the second happens) that these effects shall devolve to my daughters. I appoint the Rev. John Butler & William Brew of Carnacon to be my exors. Dated 6 [?] Feb. 1778. Witnesses: [illegible] Williams County Molony [&] David Williams. [No date of probate]

Will of Richard Brew of Clonkerry, 1827

I, Richard Brew, of Clonkerry, Co. Clare, do make this my last will. I bequeath to my daughter Eliza Brew the farm of Coor [?], with an insurance policy of £500 on the life of Rev. Richard Studdert, together with all my furniture and plate[s], excepting my desk, book case and silver cup, of which I leave to my grandson Anselm Taylor the book case and desk, and the cup to my other grandson Richard Taylor. I also leave to my said daur. Eliza Brew the house and farm of Clonkerry. All my stock to be sold and the profits of the same be divided between my three daughters Jane Taylor, Mary Ann Cox & Eliza Brew. I leave the farm of Crossmore and any interest I might have in the Horse Island after the demise of James Chartres to my said three daughters. I further direct that the Revd. James Martin and his two sons-in-law Anselm Taylor and Francis Cox Esqrs. shall be exors. of this my Will. Witnesses: Anselm Taylor [&] [illegible] David M[??]y. Dated 20 April 1827 [Unsigned]

 Vicar's Index to Prerogative Wills

Abstracts of Wills in the Molony Notebook

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