Christian Watterson 1673

Submitted by: Joyce M Oates
Date: 7 May 2018
Original: 0106202

Archdeacon Will 1673A #27 Arbory will inventory of Christian Watterson, died 15 November 1673 intestate, this will has been crossed out, 
it is not listed in the Old Typed Index, see Episcopal Will 1674-1 Arbory of Christian Watterson: 

	KK Arbory    15 Novembr: 1673

The true Inventory of Christian Waterson who departed this life intestate the 
15th of Novembr: 1673, priced by 4 sworn men amounts to .......1£ - 12s - 10d

Debts deducted out of ye Inventory of Christian Waterson above named 
Impr: to Major Stevenson due to him for grassing  }
    hay, corne plowing & harrowing ...............} ...	00 - 14 - 03d 
Item upon funerall charges clark fees and for      }
    taking up an Inventory, and other things laid  }
    out upon her before she died in all ...........}...	00 - 06 - 08d

Last Modified 7 May 2018