John Kinread 1680

Submitted by: Ian Radcliffe
Date: 6 July 2022
Original: 0991644 (Manx Mus: 8)
Some words difficult to decypher, a guess has been made in some cases, others shown as xxxx.
Kk Christ Lezayre September the 2d 1680

The last will and testement of John Kinred as followeth
In the name of God Amen I John Kinread sick in body but whole
in mind and of perfect memory praise to god for it
Do make this my last will and testament in manor and form
First I Committ my soule to Almighty god and my Creator and
redeemer and my body to christian burial.
2ly I leave to my wife 2 sheep and 2 goats & one kid and my part of
the cloalk Which is within which way provided for herself for 2 pelicom
Item I bind to my Brother William all the goods Carrons Croft
ingond goat to be ecoors mee to my grands Thom Brew to
my said brother a cloake and breeches of Loughtan cloath and
my new cloake From of Wand to my sister Isable half a 
goat of Band to Boffic Kwoone a she lamb from the one to
John Sally and Thomas Knine I one goat to each them then
                           which is due to her by my wife
I leave to Ellin Conahil 2d ^ Item I leave To Thomas ?oare
one pair of breeches and a pair of new stockings,  Item I leave
one pair of stockings to John ?gane  Item I leave to John 
Dally one cloak  Item I leave to Thomas Christory a Dubbow
Dobbos jar from more to Kath Boddeir to Daniel Bolly 1s-6d
to Daniell Kelly 8d Tht he Owes to mee from Wm. Kermod 6d -
from John Kelly 8d from Thomas Quaile & his wife 2d if they
pay itt quickly & if not the Johns to take up what is due -
Item[ink blot] thoughherby ordain and apoint my daughter Averick
Kinread my true and lawful executrix of all the rest of my
good moveable and immoveable and the goods to be left in my 
brother Williams hands in the place of until my daughter comes
to lawful years and if he cannot keep the sd goods to sell itt
and make money of itt and if the child dye under years
and my wife tho take parts and my brother to my -
sister Jony 5d logfir? and 3d Logafir to my sister Malle -
and 2s-6d lagafir to my sister Jaine from I give my -
part of the crop of corne to be sold in the place
whell my said daughter come to years to receive itt then
I bind to be boghwod? All my funeral 4d and a sheep floaw
and apointe William Quayle and Thomas Xsare and my bro- 
ther William Primes & overseer of my saild Daughter and dos wan
tands to my said wife five years if she pledges to xxxxx
and after the xxxxx ahone of the five yeares the xxxx

[New page]
gott whell my said Daughter Com to years to enjoy itt
alsoe showig 24d Due to me from my Brother William and
I hand him to pay it to my said daughter

Witness hereunto
                           Pbatum et Solvit  eipt
John Cally    }
Thomas Kinread} Jurati

                       The aforsaid Sworn in Court with the
                       wife? according to form of law. He
                       that Wm.Quaile is not sworn abovesaid
                       not withstanding he is named in the will
                       Note he is now sworn by bheean?
                      Conciall hassifor Dec tt 10th 1680.
                                             John Harris 

A true and lawful Inventorie of the goods moveable and
immovable brought in by 4 sworne men, of John Kinread
Jmpts in cloake and ginshe others & skins 1 - 4 - 6
Itm the deads parte of set bough -------- 1 - 4 - 0 
Itm in woole & yarne -------------------- 0 - 1 - 0
Itm one old horse ----------------------- 0 - 8 - 0
Itm one heffer -------------------------- 0 - 1 - 0
Itm one Linnen whole -------------------- 0 - 1 - 0
Itm one forkitt in soake ---------------- 0 - 0 - 8
Itm one pottell of meal------------------ 0 - 0 - 3
 2  11  5                 The Inventory to go up in file within
                          a month Ind prop xxx ud afu Do

                          The goods in the hands of Wm Kinread
                          and hath given in pledges according
                          to law Thomas Isan? And John
Praisers John Garrett     Cowley
        Wm Kermod      Mar 17 1693
        Jo Dalby       The Exr. Of John Kinread Brg it at court 
        Thomas Kinred  ths day & acknowledges to be fully satisfed
                       from her xxxxx xxxxx xx xx her by the death
                       of her father. The witnesses her in the
        court xx xxxxxxxx xxxx            Averick Kinread  X

[New page]
To be deducted out of this inventory of John Kinred by the supervisor
is herewith
                                                  L  S  D
Sum paid to Ro Boddaugh                          00 05 00
    paid to him a lamb for use of the Dmonier?   00 01 06
Sum A legacy left to his wife 2 sheep praised to 00 03 00
Sum Two goats he left to his wife  praised to    00 03 00
Sum A legacy left to Bessy Kneen a lamb          00 00 06
Sum To the Reg.r                                 00 00 03
                                                 00 14 03

The will of the forsaid John Kinread came to the court in the
year 1680

[Slip of paper]
Disburments out of ye Invent
tory of Jo Kinread given in
upon oath by ye Supervisor Wm
Kinread as follows
Imp for ye burying money 00:01:00
It Cost and At Funeral   00:04:00
It to parson Harrison    00:04:00
It to Wm Cowell for }
   writing of will  }    00:01:00
It for Coach hire        00:01:10
It m to him              00:00:03
It for proving if will   00:01:02
It for Inventory writing 00:00:06
It in Ronl?              00:00:06
It to Sumnr for doing }
his office ably taking}  00:01:00
of the inventory xxxx }
xxxx                  }
Itm to Regr              00:00:03
All ye goats in Carron}
left Wm Kinrd as legacies}00:04:06
priced by ye Inventory}  ________

Last Modified 6 July 2022