Brew-Faragher of Rushen and Douglas, Isle of Man

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Kind permission has been obtained from Mr. James A. Brew of 16½ St. Pauls Place, London, N1 2QF, to publish the following information. It is a part of his own research into the history and origins of the Brew surname on the Isle of Man, and the movements of various families around the United Kingdom, and subsequently around the world.

1.         Thomas Brew, who died in Douglas in 1918, married Elizabeth, 1848-1925, daughter of Thomas Faragher of Rushen and Isabella Sayle of Jurby, in 1875. Thomas Faragher was “a labourer who went in for herbal cures and witchcraft” (MJB). [James Brew notes he has Thomas Faragher’s book of herbal cures]. Thomas and Elizabeth Brew’s children were:

·        William Henry Brew, Private no. 28037, 9th Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), killed at Cambrai on 12 April 1917, aged 40, and buried at Brown's Copse Cemetery, Calais, France (See “I.O.M. Times”, 23 June 1917). William married his cousin Florence Helen Basford in 1910. She died in 1915, aged just 34. Their children were:

-         William Henry Brew, 1902-1980, who married Elizabeth Miles (1904-1992) in 1926. Their children were Derek William, 1929-1953, and Marion Ena, born 1927, married John Noble in England

-         Reginald Basford Brew, 1912-1975, who married Annie Amelia Cretney in 1934, who died in 1980, aged 67. Their children were William Roy, 1933-90, who lived in N.S.W., Australia, and married Rita (?) but returned to the I.O.M.; Christopher with partner Deborah Clyde (Children David 1991-, Stephen, 1993-, and Sunny-Jo, 1994); James who married Carol Bradshaw (Carla, 1992); Karine; Pat who married Herbert Farragher; Donald Frederick who married Barbara Clark (Child Andrew married Sue and had children Billy 1989-, and Rebecca 1991-); David; Darrell who married Sue (Children Ashley, 1994- and Jamie, 1998-); Marrilyn who married Leslie Corkill, harbour master at Peel; Jane who married a Mr. Higham; and Gwynneth who married David Bell.

·      John Thomas, who died 1931, aged 55, married 1904, Margaret Jane Kewley, died 1971 aged 92 (See separate database)

·        Frederick, 1881-1941, butcher of Douglas, who married 1901 Catherine Anne Corlett (died 1923, aged 47), married second wife Eleanor "Nellie" Caley in 1927 (died of TB in 1930, aged 29), only child Barbara, aged 72 in 1999 (Educated Buchan), married 1949 Morris Strickett (died 1999), printer of Glen Auldyn and Ramsey

·        Elizabeth Sophia (Cissie), 1883-1961), married 1913 Alfred Quirk Teare (died 1975). Children:

-         Frederick Teare, 1913-?, who married Betty Burgess of Ayr, and had only child Pauline

-    George Teare, 1922-?, who married Ruby Perry in N.S.W., and had only child Susan

-         Margaret, who married Eric Thewlis in 1979

-         Eileen, who married Alex Saunders, a Major in the Army and later a policeman. Their children were Rev. Bruce Alex Saunders MA, University Chaplain in Bristol, and Clive Douglas Saunders MA, Solicitor. Both were choral exhibition scholars at Cambridge

·        Florence Isabel, 1889-1908

·        James Alfred “Al” Brew, 1890-1960

2.         James Alfred “Al” Brew emigrated to Cleveland, U.S.A., and married 1917 Mildred Withycombe, an American. Their children were: 

·          Alfred Lloyd Brew, 1921-99, of Cleveland, U.S.A., who worked in Manila, Philippines. He married Kathleen McCarthy, by whom he had

-           Mark, 1944-

-           Lorryn

They divorced in 1950 and Alfred married Geraldine McMillan, by whom he had:

-           Todd, 1952-

-           Holly

They divorced in 1952 and Alfred married Maggie Gallagher that same year, by whom he had

-           Denise, ca. 1952-

-           Laura, ca. 1953-

-           Sean, ca. 1958-

Alfred deserted Maggie in 1970 for a Japanese lady.

·         Dorothy Brew, who married John Stelmah of Cleveland, U.S.A.

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