Brew Roll of Honour, New Zealand Forces, 1914-1918 and 1939-1945

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This database shows the Brews in New Zealand Forces who died during the First and Second World Wars, 1914-1918, and 1939-1945. The data has been extracted from several sources, including the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

The total number of New Zealanders who died in the two world wars is 29,967. Of these, 18,042 died in the First World War and 11,925 in the Second World War. Further information is available from Culture and Heritage New Zealand.

Name of Brew Denis
Rank Private
Number 43677
Battalion or Unit 2nd Battalion Canterbury Infantry Regiment (C.I.R.), N.Z.E.F.
Date of Death / Age 12 December 1917
Grave / Memorial Menin Road South Military Cemetery, Belgium
Comments Son of Denis and Margaret Brew of Derby Street, Eltham, Taranaki, New Zealand

Name of Brew Durward Graham
Rank Private
Number 437742
Battalion or Unit 27th Battalion,  New Zealand Machine Gun Corps
Date of Death / Age Saturday, 6 May 1944, aged 22
Grave / Memorial Cassino War Cemetery, Italy
Comments Son of Chadwick and Ada Violet Brew of Auckland, New Zealand

Name of Brew Percival Septimus
Rank Private
Number 23/1570
Battalion or Unit 2nd Battalion Wellington Infantry Regiment (W.I.R.), N.Z.E.F.
Date of Death / Age Monday, 2 October 1916, aged 24
Grave / Memorial Caterpillar Valley Memorial, Somme, France
Comments Son of William and Elizabeth Brew of Orrysdale, Isle of Man

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