Brews in the Australian Citizens Military Forces (CMF), 1929-1940

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The following information is extracted from series B4717/1 and B4747/1 in the records of the National Australian Archives, Melbourne Office, at PO Box 8005, Burwood Heights, Victoria, Australia, 3151, from whom copies are available at no charge. Their telephone number is +61-(0)3-9803-1099, their fax number +61-(0)3-9886-1267, and their e-mail address <>. The two series show the enlistment papers for all Brews listed as having done service with the CMF between 1929 and 1940.

Information is also available on this site for Brews amongst 

Name of Brew Charles Edward
Date of Birth 01 February 1921
Birthplace Collingwood, Victoria
Enlistment 18 February 1939
CMF Unit / Number 10 Field Battery, 4 Field Brigade / 319962
Address Beach Reserve, Chelsea, Victoria
Profession / Employer Dispatch Clerk, Paynes, Bow, Marcher [?], Bourke Street
Notes Discharged 01 September 1939; NOK Mother Francis Brew; see also World War II record.

Name of Brew Henry
Date of Birth 13 February 1891
Birthplace Sale, Victoria
Enlistment 22 November 1929
CMF Unit / Number H.Q. Wing (Signals), City of Ballarat Regiment / 290469
Address 415 Sturt Street, Ballarat, Victoria
Profession / Employer Bricklayer, self-employed
Notes Previous military service in RAN, 1908-1918, including Gallipoli; see also World War II record.

Name of Brew John
Date of Birth 18 November 1898
Birthplace Aberdeen, Scotland
Enlistment 18 March 1931
CMF Unit / Number 3rd Division Engineers, 4th Field Company / 315457
Address 11 Clark Street, East Brunswick, Victoria
Profession / Employer Labourer, employer not named
Notes Previous military service in 4th Gordon Highlanders, 1916-1918

Name of Brew Louis Wilfred
Date of Birth 01 April 1899
Birthplace Liverpool, England
Enlistment 05 July 1940
CMF Unit / Number Australian Infantry Corps / 6229
Address c/o Amateur Sports Club, King St., Perth, W.A
Profession / Employer Salesman, Australian U C**** [illegible], Perth
Notes Previous military service in 2 Battalion AIF, 3 yrs 323 days, and 11 Battalion AMF, Machine Gun Company; see also World War II record.

Name of Brew William
Date of Birth 21 April 1919
Birthplace Marrickville, N.S.W.
Enlistment 30 August 1937
CMF Unit / Number 14 Field Brigade R.A.A. / 428487
Address 24 Leyland Parade, Belmore, N.S.W.
Profession / Employer Bank Clerk, Rural Bank, Martin Place, Sydney
Notes NOK Father Richard Brew, Manager, Enfield Picture Theatre. See also World War II record.

Name of Brew William Aubrey
Date of Birth 25 July 1916
Birthplace Newcastle, N.S.W.
Enlistment 08 February 1937
CMF Unit / Number 30 Battalion N.S.W. Scottish Regiment / 265947
Address 43 Derby Street, Vaucluse, N.S.W.
Profession / Employer Clerk, Perpetual Trustee Company, Hunter Street Sydney
Notes NOK Father Captain Albert Brew; "Efficiency Grant" paid to 02 September 1939; see also World War II record.

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